Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The perfect "Target" morning

Ok, so I don't have a clue if anyone will read this and care, but I just thought I'd write about my morning.  LOL.  
So, my youngest goes to MDO on Tues/Thursday.  I drop him off this morning and then had a few errands to run.  My first being Target.  I love Target.  I know it seems that every "young" mom LOVES Target, but come on...it's fabulous.  I walk in and make a bee-line for Starbucks (whoever thought to put one in Target deserves a medal).  I order a VENTI (yes, I needed the caffeine) non-fat, white-mocha/toffee nut extra hot latte.  Ok, so for you coffee drinkers...this drink will be in heaven.  It was on the Barista recommendations one day at the mall and I thought what the heck, I'll try it.  DELICIOUS.  Anyhow.....the gal made it to perfection and I enjoyed every sip as I walked around slowly BY MYSELF enjoying just looking at stuff.  I even got the guts to try on a bathing suit...lol...but hated it....but it didn't matter...I was having a great Target day.  I found everything on my list, plus some (don't you know you always find extra stuff there....and you know you sneak in a shirt or some shoes with your groceries!  hahaha).  
What a good day it has been.  :)  Hope you've had a great one, too. 


Kathryn said...

I read it and I care! :) I too love going to Target alone...I will have to try that drink out next time. I will totally have to write down the name of it. It's so long!

Love your new website by the way! It is sooooo great! Miss you...let's get together soon.

Rebekah said...

for real....that sounds wonderful! Walking around with no one asking to go looks at Cars or Thomas?? Lucky!

Sarah said...

Julie...Jeremy and I call that "doing the big loop." We have a Big Loop that we make around the store with a few side paths that we may or may not venture off into. The Big Loop is all that matters to make the Target trip complete. Glad to hear there's others out there that appreciate such some gooood shoppin!

Julie said...

The big Loop! That is great. I'll have to remember that.