Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Hey there....

Yes, my website and email have been down now for 2 weeks and I am beyond the point of frustration.  Sorry to all of you who it has affected in viewing your proofs, etc.  I am hoping it will be back up in a few days.....

Thanks for being such amazing clients.  

Oh, and don't ask me who my website is through because I will NOT have nice things to say about them right now.  LOL.  Seriously.  Don't ask.  



KJ Druyvesteyn said...

Hey Julie!

I actually emailed you earlier and Ang told me that you were having some difficulties with the website/email (b/c I couldn't open your website and thought it was my error)....in a nutshell, I told a friend about you. I'll give her this blog so she can see some pics but can I get your # to give to her? Thanks!

Kim Druyvesteyn

Julie said...

Yes, please give her my number!! I think my site is back up now...check and see!