Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

I love Mother's Day, but sometimes I still freak out and go "what in the I really a mom?!!!"  It's a bit overwhelming somedays to sit and think of the huge responsibility that God has given me in 2 precious boys that I am in charge of raising.  Wow.  What a blessing yet what a scary thing.  I definitely count it a huge blessing and love looking into their eyes everyday and doubling over in laughter because they are so hilarious.  I love that Bennett is just like me (and his Pa Pa Alan) in that he gets that crazy look in his eye and just allows himself to act silly and not care.  I love that Olson is SOOOOO my firstborn and has to have everything "just so" in his little world.   I love that my boys are complete POLAR opposites.   I had a great day yesterday...hope you did too.  :) 


Sarah said...

Precious, Julie!!

Rebekah said...

love the pics Julie--you are so pretty! Also love you talking about your boys. You have a great family.