Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Had so much fun practicing with my new lights! Jill---you were such a good sport and so much fun.  Thank you!!!  

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Christmas Cards!!

JBelle is doing Christmas cards again this year!  Call to book your session before October 15th and receive 10% off!  Here are a few samples of our cards for 08.  You can view all the templates on the website under "portfolio II", then click on "Christmas Cards, 08"

more pics....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


wow!  I have been so blessed to be super busy taking lots of pictures!  I've got to get on here more and remember to blog to you in the blogging world.  

Here are some recent pics....I've been having so much fun!

Ok, so i have another Target story.  So, I can hardly to go Target without being completely drawn like a MAGNET to Starbucks to get a little latte to sip on while I stroll around.  Best thing Target ever did....anyhow...So, I stop by and the little gal was so funny.  First off she tried to put a lid that goes on a cold drink on my hot, non-fat white mocha-toffee nut latte, and she just giggled.  I said "girl, it's okay...chalk it up to being Monday!"  Then she said, "you know what...allergies are going boyfriend has had some allergies..."  I wanted to laugh and say, "you can't catch allergies!"  She said "i've been making him some hot drinks, like cider...that's supposed to help, right?"  I assured her that yes, the cider will help the "allergies" and sore throat.  lol.  So, even the baristas at Starbucks have "THOSE" Mondays.    

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

too much fun...

Weddings!  This is Kristin and Geoff...they were just beautiful. 

What a cool family I got to meet fourth of July weekend.  

Twins!  Need I say more???  They were just precious.

This is Peyton....she was so great...I just LOVE this shot with her foot up in the air!  

Ok, so these 2 little gals wow'd me with their eyes.  I absolutely love close-ups.  I mean, don't you just want to squeeze em?!!  

Friday, July 11, 2008

crazy June!

Ok, so June was such a blurrrrrr!!  A good blur, though....busy.  I feel like I am so behind and haven't been on here to blog at all to the blogging world.  
So, I've been taking tons of pictures, meeting lots of new clients and having a complete blast.  I love what I do.  
Here are a few new pics from recent shoots....

Monday, June 2, 2008

dear friends....

I have some of the greatest friends in the world.....and they have some of the most beautiful children you've ever seen!!!  
This is Addie and AJ.  Their mom and I have been friends since we were little.  Our friendship is timeless and some of my greatest memories are some of the crazy stuff we did growing up!  
 I LOVED taking pics of her kids....they are amazing and so funny!  Love you, Seas.  

This is Graham and Luke.  I went to college with their mom and dad....seems like we should still be in college and not have 2 boys a piece!  :)  Time with them is so sweet....they are friends that time stands still for....seems like you've never spent time apart when we get together.  Love you guys.  
Their boys are so great!!!  Luke made so many great faces for me and they were typical brothers that day.